Thursday, March 5, 2015

Gooseberry pickle

Goose berry (vusirikaya)
1  cup
Mustard seeds powder
3 table spoon
Red chili powder
3 table spoon
2 table spoon
Fenugreek powder
1 tea spoon
Lemon juice
2 table spoons
2 table spoons
¼ tea spoon

Preparation method

  1. Take a wide bowl and wash it for goose berry for 3 times then dry it keep aside
  2. Heat the pan, add .oil to fry then add goose berry fry it for 5 minutes. Then keep it aside
  3. Take a wide bowl add mustard seeds powder, salt, red chili powder mix it all together. Then add fried goose berry mix it well .and add lemon juice mix well then heat the pan add oil to fry then add hinge and boil it for 2 minutes then switch off the flame. And put it into the pickle.
  4. You can serve it with hot rice very tasty   

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