Thursday, April 17, 2014

Arisalu (snack)

Deep fry

2 table spoon
Sesame seeds
To taste

Preparation method

  1. Wash the rice once and soak them in water for 24 hours.
  2. Drain water and grind to a fine flour.seeve the flour and keep it aside.
  3. Take jaggery pieces into a deep pan or cooker. Add one glass of water and bring to a boil. Boil the jaggery
  4. Until it gets thick consistency. (Take some water in a plate and pour some of the boiled jaggery to it.roll with your finger when it forms into a ball shape, it is done.)
  5. Remove from heat when it is done mix well by adding small amounts of flour to it.take care so that no lumps can be formed. Add 2 table spoon of ghee to the flour mixture and keep it aside
  6. Heat oil the pan. Make small balls for the jaggery mixture. Apply oil to polythene cover place the ball in the middle and press with your fingers to a circle. Also apply few sesame seeds on both sides. Repeat the process for remaining the balls and deep fry in oil until golden brown in color. Place them in an air tight container.

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